Job Opening Details

Job Title

Program Manager

GreenHome Institute Overview

The GreenHome Institute (GHI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission of “Empowering people to make healthier and more sustainable choices in the renovation and construction of the places we live.” GHI was established in 2000 and primarily operates virtually throughout the US and other locations throughout the world. GHI provides project consultation services for housing professionals and consumers for single or multifamily residential housing renovation or new construction development.
For more information, please visit our website:

Program Manager Position Summary

GHI is seeking candidates for the full-time position of Program Manager. The selected candidate will be responsible to manage GHI’s residential sustainable build program in compliance with USGBC, GreenStar, Enterprise Communities, and US Department of Energy policies and procedures. The Program Manager will assist the Executive Director achieve fund development goals. The Program Manager will also be responsible to conduct outreach with the intent to improve public policy and legislation in support of sustainable housing development.

Working under the supervision of the Executive Director, the Program Manager will have the following qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • At least three years of related home construction experience.
  • Be a credentialed LEED for Homes Accredited Professional and LEED for Homes Green Rater or able to earn LEED for Homes Accredited Professional Certification within 1 year of hire.
  • Ability to learn and quickly become conversant on changing technology and trends in the green home building industry.
  • Ability to work independently, operate remotely, meet deadlines, and maintain accurate records, and develop and present program reports.
  • Ability to balance multiple projects, update on progress, and communicate progress to the Executive Director.
  • Ability to work effectively within the building industry and be skilled at communicating effectively with diverse members, sponsors and interest groups.
  • Ability to collaborate with community members, government agencies, elected & appointed officials and other stakeholders.
  • Expertise at online file management systems and online webinar platforms.
  • Explore and recommend available improved technology platforms, as needed.
  • Excellent verbal, written, communication and presentation skills.
  • Possess strong time management skills.
  • Excellent MS Office Suite skills, Dropbox, and ability to learn additional software as needed.
  • Willingness to travel.

Salary and Benefits

The salary range for the Program Manager is $45,000 to $60,000 annually, plus stipends for healthcare, professional development, and technology support. Reimbursement for travel, lodging, meals, etc. is also provided.

Application Process

Interested candidates may submit their résumé and cover letter by 9.7.22 to:
José Reyna, Executive Director GreenHome Institute
Subsequent to receiving candidate materials, interviews will be scheduled for qualified candidates with a goal of selecting and extending an offer for hire by September 9, 2022.


The Program Manager will oversee manage GHI program offerings and outreach in support of the GHI organizational mission. Under the direction of the Executive Director, general work responsibilities will include, but are not limited to management and administrative support for sustainable build projects, organizational outreach and public advocacy, and other duties in support of the organizational mission.

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Job Details

Job Creation Date

August 2, 2022

Recruitment Last Date

September 7, 2022

Hiring Manager

Brett Little

Job Type

Manager Level


3 Years +


$45,000 to $60,000 Annually

Application Process Submission

José Reyna, Executive Director GreenHome Institute