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Find Your Ideal Green Building Training

The GreenHome Institute offers on-demand professional continuing education and other residential green building accreditations and certifications for professionals, raters, and homeowners alike. Review our course offerings below or take this short quiz to determine which is best for you.


Educational Training Videos & Tours

Our YouTube Channel has many free educational videos and home tours to help you improve your new construction or existing home’s energy savings and sustainability. Go here to see all our videos available and sort by what you are looking for

Demand Continuing Education

Get on Demand Continuing Education

We offer both on-demand and live educational topics to help you get your CEUS. These CEUS include but are not limited to AIA (HSW), GBCI & AP HOMES, BPI
Certified Green Professional (NARI & CGP), Certified GreenHome Professional (CGHP), AIBD, State Architect / Builder License may be applicable, Passive House Consultant US (CPHC), Realtor CEUS, Building Science Institute (BSI). Go here to access our on demand CEUS


Become A Certified GreenHome Professional

Certified GreenHome Professionals are trained to help people make the places we live more sustainable. You will go through a series of courses and videos to help you under the basics of residential green building and remodeling. This includes covering the five pillars of green building: Energy | Health | Materials | Water | Place. You will be prepared to start a green building project, be involved in one, become a GreenHome Inspector, or provide consultations.



Train to be a
DOE Home Energy Score Assessor Here

The GreenHome Institute is an official Department of Energy Partner and is here to help you take your home energy rating, contracting services, or home inspection business to the next level by training to become a Home Energy Score Assessor.

The Home Energy Score is a simple, fast, and more accurate way to evaluate an existing home before and after renovation to help homeowners understand their energy usage and meet their goals to reduce energy.

GreenHome Inspector

Become a GreenHome Inspector

A GreenHome Inspector aims to help homeowners, landlords, property managers, builders, architects, Realtors, developers and/or renters increase the sustainability of their new and existing housing units by identifying issues and opportunities.

This is done through holistic evaluations of existing properties at any time, specifically during pre- and post-improvement work or before home sales. An inspector can complete construction plan reviews and guide achieving sustainability goals for new construction.

These individuals help ensure GHI GreenStar Homes Certification is met.


Green Associate Exam Preparation Course

The Green Associate Credential is the globally recognized foundational sustainability credential. Whether you plan to be involved directly or indirectly in LEED, this credential is carried out by many sustainability professionals. It communicates that you are continually learning sustainability in your profession. The Green Associate is the first step to getting your LEED Accredited Professional (AP) and then your LEED Green Rater or LEED Fellow if you wish to continue to advance.


LEED AP Homes Exam Preparation Course

Once you have completed your Green Associates exam you are ready now to become trained on how to serve on a LEED for Homes Project and get prepared for the LEED Accredited Professional Homes Exam. This is a step to becoming a LEED Green Rater.

Leed Green Rater

LEED Green Rater On Demand Virtual Course

With over 2 million LEED® for Homes™ registered spaces worldwide, LEED is the international rating system to ensure better residential buildings. LEED requires third-party on-site verification and performance testing by a LEED Green Rater, and demand is growing. Now residential and mixed-use projects of any size can go under the LEED for Homes rating system. If you’re interested in filling this need as part of USGBC’s LEED for Homes Green Rater program, this training is for you!

This course requires completion of the Green Associates and AP Homes Credential Exams.

Become a LEED Qualified Energy Rater

Every LEED Residential Project must have a qualified energy rater inspect the energy efficiency measures of a project. 

In the United States (US) this is typically the Energy Rating Index Verifier, HERS Rater or ASHRAE Commissioning Agent. 

Outside of the US you will need to ensure some on the project follows USGBC LEED Addenda 10443

This training well help you or someone who wishes to the qualified energy rater meet this part of the addenda 

“At least 4 hours of formal training in each of the following: building science fundamentals, blower door testing (if being performed for the project), air sealing inspections, insulation inspections, and duct leakage testing (if being performed by the project).”