GreenStar Homes Certification program update August 2016

Here is a summary of this month’s minor improvements to the GreenStar workbook with full details below.
  1. New link to access the checklist is here
  2. Pre-occupancy flush prereq was updated
  3. Landscape credits for mulch and fire safe areas were fixed and points were added
  4. Pre-construction design strategies 2.4.2 Air Changer Per hour was updated and health points added.
  5. Credits removed for documenting energy use devices and carbon footprint.

1. Finish & Materials coatings section 9.1.1 has been updated to be more tolerant when it comes to pre-occupancy flushing. Now it is 48 hours non-consecutive and allows to use windows and not just HVAC.

2. Pre-construction design strategies 2.4.2 Air Changer Per hour was very outdated, and health points have been added at 3 ACH or under. We also removed the 2.4.1 ACH @ Natural since it was redundant but if that caused a significant disruption to your project, please register by the end of the month and we will maintain those credits for you.

3. 2.2.4 & 2.2.5 Document all existing conditions, equipment and assemblies in the house & Estimate carbon emissions of operating the home have been removed now because they are a standard part of home energy models, labels, and scores.

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