LEED Green Rater Resources

This GHI Page is your one-stop shop for all the LEED Green Rater Residential Resources you will need to maintain your green rater credential and work on LEED residential projects. It is constantly updated with newer resources or updated resources as they come out. Please bookmark this page and check back often to ensure you have the latest resources.

Leed Green Rater

DropBox Shared Resources

The GHI Dropbox shared resources page is open-access for you as the Green Rater and all your clients, projects, and verification partners. Within this link is a folder for you as a Green Rater and another for you and your clients. Please share the project team folder with everyone you work with. Here, you will find the latest LEED workbooks, manuals, Energy Star resources, LEED tools, and GHI specially developed documents, Quality Assurance Manual and tools to help you complete a LEED residential project. 

Submit your new project inquiry or registration

LEED residential projects must be registered with a provider early in the project’s design stage to help ensure quality control throughout the project, from the early design through project completion and submission. Submit your inquiry here each time you have a new project lead, or make sure you direct your project team here to make this submission. Upon completion, GHI will contact you or the client to complete the registration steps. 

LEED Credit Library

The USGBC LEED Residential Credit Library contains all the details you need about each LEED credit and prerequisite for LEED V4 and V4.1. To access the full details and information on each credit, you must pre-purchase the $99 access. Below is a direct link to each version LEED, depending on what you are working on.

Field Inspection Forms

The GHI LEED Residential Midconstruction & Final Inspection forms are free resources developed by GHI that you can use during your mid-construction inspections and final inspections to ensure you are not missing important prerequisites and credits while in the field. They can be used in the field with a smartphone or tablet with internet access, or you can download and print the form to use as guidance. The first part of each form should be submitted with the outdoor exterior for multifamily projects, but you only need to do that once; the rest can be used for the interior units, and you can skip the outdoor items. These inspections, when submitted, go directly to GHI as part of your documentation and be used for your quality assurance reviews.

Quality Assurance Project Submission Form

The GHI LEED Quality Assurance Submission form helps ensure you have everything you need in place to submit your project to the GHI LEED QA and ensure a successful submission that can be quickly reviewed and submitted by our QA to GBCI. Ensure you have all these items completed before you submit. 

Green Rater Renewal Form

All Green Raters must file a bi-annual (Once every 2 years) renewal form. There is no fee to submit that at this time. To submit, you must be active on two projects to renew your credentials and report the LEED ID#’s of those two projects. If you are unsure if you qualify or need help, please contact greenrater@usgbc.org before your credential expires. If your credential expires, you will not be able to submit or do site verification on projects. Just to be safe, we advise you to submit this yearly. 

Continuing Education Maintenance and Upkeep

All LEED Green Raters must have yearly continuing education units in residential green buildings; in most cases, this means maintaining your LEED AP credential. The GreenHome Institute offers your CEU educational opportunities, which are available each week and on-demand, to help you keep up with your requirements. If you become a GHI member, you can get free access to most of these CEU resources. 

GHI Yearly Green Rater Contract


To work with GHI as your provider, you must complete our annual contract green rater agreement. This agreement will be updated here each year and sent to you when a new version is available. 

Submit a Project Profile

If you and the project team have a recently certified project you want to highlight you may submit it here and we will feature it.  

Become A Qualified Energy Rater

Every LEED Residential Project must have a qualified energy rater inspect the energy efficiency measures of a project. 

In the United States (US) this is typically the Energy Rating Index Verifier, HERS Rater or ASHRAE Commissioning Agent. 

Outside of the US you will need to ensure some on the project follows USGBC LEED Addenda 10443

Additional Resources


You may locate and find additional resources that assist you and your teams achieving the LEED Residential Standard here.