Every LEED Residential Project must have a qualified energy rater inspect the energy efficiency measures of a project.
In the United States (US) this is typically the Energy Rating Index Verifier, HERS Rater or ASHRAE Commissioning Agent.
Outside of the US you will need to ensure some on the project follows USGBC LEED Addenda 10443
This training well help you or someone who wishes to the qualified energy rater meet this part of the addenda
“At least 4 hours of formal training in each of the following: building science fundamentals, blower door testing (if being performed for the project), air sealing inspections, insulation inspections, and duct leakage testing (if being performed by the project).”
Once you complete this training the next step will be to gain “experience performing energy inspections and testing on at least two building projects with a similar scope of work.”
GHI is partnering with Energy Smart Institute to deliver 12 hour training.
Become a GreenHome Institute member here to get a 5% discount coupon code on the training.
Learn more about the 12 hour CE Qualified Energy Rater Training here.
Once you complete this training the next step is to contact us to start your site experience mentorship and/or get approval from GBCI to be a LEED Qualified Energy Rater.
The GreenHome Institute is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization funded by members who support the residential green building movement. Becoming a member helps support our mission and keeps us going, and you can also receive several benefits.
The GreenHome Institute is a non-profit organization that empowers people to make healthier and more sustainable choices in the renovation and construction of the places we live.
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