Brings LEED Workshops to Wisconsin

Brings LEED Workshops to Wisconsin

The tide is rising and LEED Homes are now experiencing a tremendous growth rate.  To capitalize on this, is offering several workshops in Wisconsin, including a free introductory webinar:

  • April 4: Free Webinar!  Introduction to LEED for Homes  View Recording
  • April 19:  HOMES 252: Understanding the LEED for Homes Rating System (Milwaukee, WI)
  • May 8: HOMES 252: Understanding the LEED for Homes Rating System (Madison, WI)

Visit the pages above for details and pricing. Early bird pricing is available so Register Now!

LEED for Homes Postcard

The tide is rising and LEED Homes are now experiencing a tremendous growth rate.  To capitalize on this, is offering several workshops in Wisconsin, including a free introductory webinar:
  • April 4: Free Webinar!  Introduction to LEED for Homes  View Recording
  • April 19:  HOMES 252: Understanding the LEED for Homes Rating System (Milwaukee, WI)
  • May 8: HOMES 252: Understanding the LEED for Homes Rating System (Madison, WI)
Visit the pages above for details and pricing. Early bird pricing is available so Register Now! LEED for Homes Postcard Tags: 

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