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What are the top 5 YouTube green building education sessions of 2019?

If we had to summarize the sessions it’s that people are craving all-electric net-zero homes that are built from natural and healthier building materials. We hope to see this exciting trend continue into 2020 and will work to bring in speakers, thought leaders, and courses around these topics.
Here is a summary of our top 5 in order. Check them out for your needed continuing education and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube to keep up with 2020 courses!
5. 7 Steps for designing economical zero energy residences. 
Views: 6,500
Professor Ty Newell joined us to discuss the Build Equinox ZEROS tool which is free to use on your next project to give you more assurance you are on track to take your next project to net-zero which includes using smart ventilation for lower energy use. Watch now!
4. Natural Building in Cold Wet Climates. 
Views: 18,500
Sigi Koko, Down to Earth Design, joins us in one of our very old webinars that’s still way ahead of its time discussing old traditions in a new way of using natural materials and insulations. Sigi shows us that we can use local, healthy and beautiful materials in a smart way to avoid the fears of rot and mold. Watch now! 
3. How to design and build affordable zero energy homes. 
Views: 20,000
Bruce of the zero energy project spreads the message that zero energy can be done with the right upfront planning for minimal extra costs and a quick return on investment in new homes and apartments. Come learn what you can do on your next project! 
2. Introduction to natural hempcrete construction 
Views: 25,000
Now with industrial hemp legalized in North America, it’s becoming easier to spec and build with healthier, locally sourced and potentially carbon-negative material. Join Chris Magwood to discuss strategies to implement this on your next project. Watch now. 
1. Introduction to fully ducted heat pumps for all-electric heating and cooling. 
Views: 30,000
Our top-rated course for the year is hardly a surprise. Heatpumps use to be confined to geothermal and ductless systems only but now work as plug and play electric furnaces that can replace old gas systems or used in new homes who still want fully ducted systems. Join Mike Schaefer from Mitsubishi who will walk you through the benefits of these new systems. Watch now!
GreenHome Institute continues to grow our YouTube channel with over 160,000 views this year and nearly 4000 subscribers!  Please make sure to subscribe today to keep with our 2020 CEU webinars that you can watch anytime, on your time!
Financial resources for low income GHI Education Manager GHI Youtube Channel Subscribe list GreenStar Homes Certification Net zero energy conference On-Demand Green Home Videos

Kay T. Rose, Hope Network Housing Development Corp joins GHI Board of Directors in 2019

Kay Rose, a West Michigan native, has an extensive background in professional administration and customer service in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors. She brings an overall understanding of business and a passion for being environmentally conscious to the Board. Always looking to learn more about green building options, she is excited to join efforts with GHI to educate and encourage residents to explore greener alternatives. An avid believer in reuse, recycle, repurpose, she enjoys breathing new life into ‘funky junk’ in her spare time, as well as travel, exploring the outdoors, hiking, camping – always with camera in hand. Currently, Kay works with the Hope Network Housing Development team focusing on affordable housing solutions and integrating supportive services for those most in need of help.

Financial resources for low income GHI Education Manager GHI Youtube Channel Subscribe list GreenStar Homes Certification Net zero energy conference On-Demand Green Home Videos

Will Gallmeyer, Green Projects Group joins GHI Board of Directors in 2019, Elected Treasurer

Will is President at Green Projects Group, currently focusing on LED lighting supply. His background is in utility rebate programs, residential energy auditing, and construction/remodeling. He is passionate about affordable housing, energy efficiency, natural building, and cooperation. He is also on boards at Circle Pines Center and Fountain Street Church. His wife, Samantha, is passionate about birth work. Their dog, Tawny, is just an adorable dog. He was recently very inspired by Drawdown and wants to create a vehicle to implement those solutions hyper-locally.

Will serves as the Treasurer for GHI.

Financial resources for low income GHI Education Manager GHI Youtube Channel Subscribe list GreenStar Homes Certification Net zero energy conference On-Demand Green Home Videos

ICCF Community Homes Initiative nets GreenStar Homes Renovation Certifications

Give a summary of the project
“This program is focused on revitalizing and restoring homes to families in our neighborhood, preserving these properties for affordable housing. It began with a purchase of 213 housing units in fall of 2017, something unprecedented in ICCF’s long history. ” From a sustianability standpoint the project works with a GreenStar Assessor to complete a Home Energy Score and GreenHome Inspection test in of a majorty of their homes prior to work being done. From there after the work is completed on the house the assessor returns to rescore the home and ensure the green items are corrected. More homes are being scored and certified through out the years and will be updated here.Learn more here and get involved
Give us success stories as well as lessons learned
Many unique challenges exist to that came at this project all at once. First you have a major labor shortage and a huge demand for services in the trades with a learning curve they may need to overcome. Second, besides trying to make the house look nice and livable they had to implement sustainability standards that while are not in ordinary are still outside of traditional house flips and 3rd you have a massive shortage of affordable housing meaning a rush to get work done. ICCF tradionally works on large multifamily housing and new construction single family so while they are no stranger to construction, housing flips were a new territory for them. As such GHI and the GreenStar Assessor David Meeder worked with them dilligently overtime to improve their workscopes and product selection as well as insulation practices to get them up to GreenStar standards. Sometimes the first few projects just didn’t make it due to everything being new and the focus being mainly get people into homes. The ICCF has been great in that they learned a new lesson from each home and applied to the next one to make it even better.
Energy Conservation Stratagies 
Any special thermal envelop, insulation or passive heating & cooling details?
Any special HVAC systems worth mentioning? Describe them
Explain your water conservation strategies
Explain your materials & durability strategies
Detail the health and indoor environmental quality benefits
Tell us about your place or location strategies
Financial resources for low income GHI Education Manager GHI Youtube Channel Subscribe list GreenStar Homes Certification Net zero energy conference On-Demand Green Home Videos

CEO of Mitsubishi US picks up Zero Energy Capable Certification

It’s great when the leader of a high performance HVAC company walks the talk and committs to better building in their own home!

Learn more here about this great project!

Interested in getting your project certified zero? Learn more here!

Financial resources for low income GHI Education Manager GHI Youtube Channel Subscribe list GreenStar Homes Certification Net zero energy conference On-Demand Green Home Videos

We are hiring a Education and Marketing Manager – Apply now

GreenHome Institute (GHI) is a non-profit organization that works to empower people to make healthier and more sustainable choices in the renovation and construction of the place we live.

GHI is looking for a highly motivated individual that is able to self-manage. This is a remote position with no office location. About 30% of the job will require travel in the West Michigan area and to some degree the midwest at large.

Primary & Essential Responsibilities

Webinars and online meetings.

  • Setup and manage weekly webinars
  • Invite attendees to webinars and answer questions
  • Ensure Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) certificates are delivered
  • Review feedback on the webinar surveys and plan way for improvement
  • Search for potential professional speakers, Invite and facilitate webinar speakers (architects, builders, consultants, HVAC specialist, partner organizations etc.)
  • Ensure sponsors are represented
  • Create learning quizzes based on webinar content
  • Ensure webinars are posted online and set up as on-demand videos.
  • Manage event marketing and social media
  • Website management and maintained
  • Manage GHI newsletter 

In-person events

  • Represent GHI at events, including public speaking with Executive Director (green drinks education series, certification trainings etc.)
  • Manage all elements of meeting/event planning and logistics to meet business, client, customer satisfaction and learning objectives.
  • Find specialist and experts that meet the mission of GHI to participate in events and oversee contracts with the experts (architects, builders, consultants, HVAC specialist, partner organizations etc.)
  • Manage event marking and social media
  • Distribute event CEU’s to attendees
  • Provide the necessary event updates and information to stakeholders.
  • Coordinate with the Executive Director to execute education programs and special events that support GHI’s mission and organizational strategy, business development and outreach.
  • Develop and manage event budgets and simple project budgets. Budget management includes estimating and revising staff hours, facility, speaker and other expenses; estimating and revising sponsor, exhibitor and registration fee revenue; and forecasting.
  • Ensure the necessary displays and materials are planned for and present at events.
  • Assist with the creation and design of outreach materials


  • Assist ED in bringing on new members and sponsors
  • Assist ED in getting projects through green certification programs
  • Assist ED with grant applications
  • These responsibilities are not all inclusive and other duties may be assigned.

Position Requirements

  • Have 1-2 years of experience in the marketing and communication field
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills; public speaking experience
    • Conduct analysis of event effectiveness
    • Handle multiple marketing events and projects simultaneously
    • Ensure critical deadlines are met
    • Conduct presentations for a variety of audiences

Bonus for:

  • Being located in West Michigan
  • Being familiar with following programs; Gotomeeting / gotowebinar, WordPress, dropbox, Doodle, Google streak, Gmail, joinit, Basecamp, Eventbrite and Mailchimp
  • Holding one of the following credentials LEED Green Associates, LEED AP, Passive House Consultant, Living Building Challenge ambassador,
  • Have experience in photography, video production, graphic editing or design
  • Experience with multiple forms of social media
  • Experience with writing grants


40 hours a week


Starting at $35,000

Pay will progress as milestones are reached as more tasks are offloaded from the ED to you.

Benefits may be available with trade-offs in pay

GreenHome Institute is an equal employment opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law.

Financial resources for low income GHI Education Manager GHI Youtube Channel Subscribe list GreenStar Homes Certification Net zero energy conference On-Demand Green Home Videos

Stephanie Gingerich of LINC UP achieves LEED Green Associates to help affordable housing

Congrats Stephanie Gingerich of Linc UP on passing her U.S. Green Building Council LEED Green Associates exam! Next? The LEED AP Homes! Through the GreenHome Institute Grand Rapids Green Affordable Housing program funded by the Wege Foundation we are providing training and capacity building to those in organizations serving low income and supportive housing in Grand Rapids, MI. We also are assisting in free or discounted green building certifications! If you are planning to serve or are serving those in need through housing in GR get at us!

Financial resources for low income GHI Education Manager GHI Youtube Channel Subscribe list GreenStar Homes Certification Net zero energy conference On-Demand Green Home Videos

Consumers Energy boosts performance-based incentives and more, ready’s for zero!

Consumers Energy is offering some new rebates and incentives focused on performance-based energy reduction for new and existing commercial and mixed-use/multifamily as well as new single-family homes. For new and existing multifamily properties they are allowing some new pilot incentives for heat pump HVAC and water heaters.

For mixed-use multifamily & commercial, they have a new program that pays out to $150,000.00 and for single family new builds, they pay up to $2,000.00 per home! 

The mixed-use program is called their Zero Net Energy Companion Program but don’t let that scare you as it really is an energy reduction program with some requirements to get ready for solar in the future. It pays a $1.50 per square foot, more than twice their business incentives for projects that can ideally achieve 25 kbtu per square foot per year in your energy model at $.75 / square foot and the remaining $.75 will be paid out of a 12 month performance period showing actual results. Since some buildings are very unique so they are also allowing you to achieve this by instead being 40% better than the MI commercial energy code on new construction or major guts or 30% better on existing build upgrades. This incentive also covers the cost of LEED and/or Zero Energy certification program fees and requires early design planning, charrettes, energy modeling as well as commissioning after construction.

Learn more here or download the handout here! 

Keeler Design Charrette Meeting to discuss achieving CE ZNE program on a mixed use in Grand Rapids

For Single Family and townhouses, consumers energy is offering $2,000 for achieving a HERS index of 56 or lower, obtaining energy star homes certification and having an all-electric HVAC system. If Geothermal is out of your price range that is ok! Air source heat pumps will get the job done and now work in cold climates as well as Heat Pump Water Heaters.  Learn more about the program.

For new and existing multifamily it is getting harder to comply with appropriate heat load calculations by using traditional forced air single-stage gas furnaces. Ducted or ductless air source heat pumps not only save a lot of energy but also comply with sizing requirements to make sure the system performance is at it’s peak. Not adding gas lines or venting also can save on costs as well as reduce air loss and pest entry. While heat pump water heaters steal heated air from inside our buildings they also dehumidify and are roughly 300% more efficient than traditional resistant water heaters. Most multifamily buildings have more issues with higher cooling loads than heating loads so heat pump water heaters help out with that in in the cooling season despite the small heat load they add in the winter. Our models are showing anywhere from $100 a year to $800 a year per unit in energy savings by switching from resistance to heat pump. As such, consumers is now recognizing this and adding custom rebates to help with the additional upfront cost of air source and hot water heat pumps!  Learn more here about rebates for multifamily and contact consumers on custom heat pumps for your project. 

We applaud consumers energy for helping lead the transition in making our buildings and homes more efficient and healthier! 

Whether you are doing mixed-use, multifamily or single family GHI is here to help you or connect you with someone who can help you get access to these incentives and make your project better! Get at us today 616-458-6733

Financial resources for low income GHI Education Manager GHI Youtube Channel Subscribe list GreenStar Homes Certification Net zero energy conference On-Demand Green Home Videos

Former Simonetta Residence Receives 2018 Zero Energy Hero Award

Sam and his wife have been living as zero energy hero’s in northern MI for some years now. In 2018 they netted roughly 2,000 kwhs have you account for nearly 1,000 kwhs of wood stove burning but after you factor in electric car use.

“We do burn a small amount of wood in a Tulikivi soapstone masonry heater, but all wood is harvested from already fallen or dead trees on our property, and we cut this wood with an electric chainsaw powered with home produced electricity. I included wood usage in the “Wood” section on your spreadsheet.”

Access energy usage information here.

Financial resources for low income GHI Education Manager GHI Youtube Channel Subscribe list GreenStar Homes Certification Net zero energy conference On-Demand Green Home Videos

Webinar Attendees – Who tunes into GHI Sessions?

Since 2013 the GreenHome Institute has elevated many skills-based volunteers as well as internal staff and partners to help spread the word about good ideas, processes, new technology, and design focused on improving the green building movement.

But who are our attendees? See below!

Interested in presenting? Fill out your idea here!