Homeowners or housing developers in Michigan planning to change a home’s siding are uniquely positioned to significantly increase a home’s energy efficiency, durability, comfort, and resiliency. Not taking these actions when siding is replaced can put the home’s wall system at risk due to potential moisture issues.
Adding one to two inches of continuous exterior insulation is essential for keeping moisture out of the walls and therefore significantly increasing their life. It also reduces utility bills, helps keep occupants safe during extreme temperatures, and improves occupant comfort and health by reducing humidity issues and preventing heat transfer.
GreenHome Institute is proud to partner with the federal agency Pacific Northwest National Laboratories (PNNL) to provide up to $9,000 for households to test this exterior rigid insulation solution when planning a re-siding job. For each household participating, Owens Corning will be donating FOAMULAR® NGX® XPS Rigid Insulation board and tape accessories. Limited funds are available for homeowners or contractors to participate. Only those who have already obtained funding or financing to pay for the siding are eligible. Provided funds may be used for GreenHome and energy audit inspections before, during, and after the work is completed and for labor and materials directly related to the addition of exterior insulation. Contractors working on the project will receive special training and oversight to ensure the work is done correctly, and they may be eligible for a stipend for the additional time required.
This opportunity is associated with a project that involves research on the structure itself, occupant comfort and energy efficiency, and contractor awareness, understanding, and interest in exterior rigid insulation while residing.
Below is a registration form for homeowners, housing developers, property managers, or contractors to submit interest in participating. Submissions will receive a response indicating whether the project is a good fit for the program and the incentive.
This particular program, administered through GreenHome Institute, is only available in Michigan. However, PNNL is conducting this research across the country, so anyone can fill out the form and the information will be sent to PNNL as there may be similar opportunities elsewhere. Please note that the Center for Energy and the Environment (CEE) in Minnesota is managing a similar program: You can learn about it here.
Before completing this form, please consider watching an on-demand continuing education webinar with PNNL that aired last year to learn more about adding insulation while residing. Also, note at least two other GreenHome Institute members have already been involved in an earlier version of this program. You can check out the profile of Tom from Better World Builders here.
Please also help us share this opportunity across all your networks.
The GreenHome Institute is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization funded by members who support the residential green building movement. Becoming a member helps support our mission and keeps us going, and you can also receive several benefits.
The GreenHome Institute is a non-profit organization that empowers people to make healthier and more sustainable choices in the renovation and construction of the places we live.
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