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LEED Professional Credentials Gain ANSI Accreditation

LEED Green Associate, LEED AP O&M and LEED AP Homes, among other GBCI-administered credentials achieve recognition from the American National Standards Institute.

“This accreditation from ANSI validates the integrity of our processes under a global standard. That provides a mark of differentiation for our credential holders, and the respect of the market that employs them” said Beth Holst, Vice President for Credentialing at GBCI.

Read the full article here.

What this will do in the marketplace is assure employers that their AP staff are uniquely qualified and trained individuals who are setting the bar for green building by meeting the rigorous demands set by this organization. This will add demand for these credentials amongst employers and add value to those employees looking for a competitive edge in a growing green market.

Especially in a residential green market with an alphabet soup of credentials available under every rating system, having ANSI recognize LEED AP Homes as the “most qualified, educated and influential green building professionals in the marketplace” will not only increase the demand for these LEED AP individuals, but will subsequently increase the demand for their LEED certified homes.

To find other green professionals in your area visit the Green Home Guide, or to learn more about how to become a LEED AP Homes visit our Tools page.