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GreenStar Homes
Certification Manual Version 4

Thank you for your interest in making the existing housing stock better. This resource is free and open-source for use with residential buildings, with a fee for consultation and certification.

Keep up-to-date with the latest workbook here, which can be used in Google Sheets or Excel for design evaluations.

If you are a GreenHome Institute Inspector or just want something to use to evaluate a home onsite for the basic level of GreenStar use our inspection form here.

The information in the manual below is not meant to be read like a book from front to back.

You can sort it by your project type and/or goals. In order to find what you are looking for, try using “control F” for keywords or clicking the links in the latest checklists on the credits which bookmark directly to each reference detail in the manual.

Watch our 3 part “how to achieve GreenStar Homes” webinar CE series to learn more

Green Home Improvements
by Category

Overview of the GreenStar Homes Program

Eligible project types that can certify 

  • Single-Family
  • Multifamily
  • Mixed-Use
  • Light Commercial Office Space
  • Assisted Living
  • Skilled Nursing Facilities
  • Building updates over time
  • Renovations
  • Gut Rehabs
  • New Construction

The GreenStar program consists of four certification levels: Certified, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.  There are mandatory requirements for each level, which build upon one another.  All Certified-level requirements must first be met before a Silver certification level may be achievable; Silver requires all Certified, Gold requires all Certified and Silver, and Platinum requires Certified, Silver and Gold. Most of the requirements are the same among project types(single-family detached, attached, multifamily, and renovations) though there are minor differences to consider.. The program focuses primarily on projects within North America, but is available globally.

Certification Process

Here is a step-by-step process to complete a GreenStar Homes Certification project. Many of the items are suggestions, while some are mandatory. Projects that engage early in the design process and prior to any renovations or construction being completed are the most successful.

  1. Owner/Project Team: Complete the GreenStar Homes Certification introductory training
  2. Start a workbook here and review the requirements and opportunities you wish to pursue.  Review the GreenStar Homes manual, decide which certification level to pursue, and start a workbook.
  3. Owner/Project Team: Find and hire a GreenHome Inspector to assist you with the project. Training is available for qualified professionals if a member of the project team is interested in gaining certification.
  4. GreenHome Inspector: Review the GreenStar Homes manual with the Owner/Project Team, decide which certification level to pursue, and start a workbook.
  5. GreenHome Inspector: Conduct either a GreenHome Inspection of existing buildings or a full review of plans and specifications for new construction.
  6. GreenHome Inspector: Register the project by sending the completed workbook, inspection results or plans and specifications, and all supplemental documentation to the GreenHome Institute. Supplemental documentation may include:
    1. Energy Ratings and Models
    2. Home Water Score and outdoor water reports
    3. Ventilation calculations
    4. Contracts with subcontractors
    5. Project timeline
  7. GreenHome Institute: Complete a preliminary plan review to ensure the project is on track to meet intended goals.
  8. GreenHome Institute: Notify GreenHome Inspector and/or Owner/Project Team of any concerns, suggestions, or requirements identified during the preliminary plan review.
  9. Owner/Project Team: Begin construction/renovation.
  10. GreenHome Inspector: Complete optional mid-construction inspection (recommended for new construction but may not be necessary on existing homes).
  11. Mandatory – GreenHome Inspector: Upload documentation (reports, photos, testing results, etc)  to an online file share and document in each requirement/badge line item on the online checklist as the project progresses. Some of these items may have been provided as part of the registration process; any requirements still outstanding are to be submitted prior to the final review. If they were not submitted, then they are submitted now.
  12. Mandatory – GreenHome Inspector: Complete the final GreenHome Inspection, submit testing and inspection results to the Owner/Project Team and GreenHome Institute.
  13. Mandatory – Rectify (Owner/Project Team) and retest (GreenHome Inspector) in the case of any testing failures.
  14. Mandatory – More documentation may be needed if documentation or inspection results were missing or deficient during the final Inspection.
  15. Mandatory – GreenHome Institute: Complete the final review and certify the project if all requirements are met.
  16. GreenHome Institute: Issue certificate.
  17. GreenHome Inspector: Submit a certificate and final approved workbook to homeowners and tenants along with the final GreenHome Inspection report. 
  18. GreenHome Institute: Submit certified project to the Green Building Registry unless Owner/Project Team opts out.
  19. Owner/Project Team: Submit a project profile for the GreenHome Institute website and/or a formal press release.
  20. Owner/Project Team: Option to purchase a plaque through a GreenHome Institute vendor for display.
  21. GreenHome Institute: List project profile on GreenHome Institute and social media websites
  22. GreenHome Institute: May request to use the project as an example through further education using photos, videos, webinars, etc.
  23. Owner/Project Team: Start on next project.
  24. Owner/Project Team: Consider improving further in the future with new badges or higher levels of certification by repeating the above process.

Stay updated on changes to the program by joining our mailing list and checking the box at the bottom to be informed about GreenStar Homes.

GreenStar Homes Certification Requirements by Certification Level Summary


  1. Determine the project’s future climate risks
  2. Home Energy Cost Rating and Performance Testing Opportunities
  3. Moisture and wall water leak assessment + repair
  4. Properly exhausting bath fans in each bathroom
  5. Electric stove OR Range Hood is tested to vent at 100 CFM outdoors
  6. No gas leaks found from inspection
  7. Test combustion based appliances for CO leaks and replace or repair if found
  8. Carbon Monoxide detectors are installed on all floors and near fireplaces
  9. No radon detected above PCL 4 when tested or system installed
  10. Use at least MERV 8 Rated Filters on Ducted Systems
  11. Shower head(s) are 2.2 Gallons Per Minute (Average) Or Home Water Score of 2
  12. Bathroom Aerators are 2.0 Gallons Per Minute (Average) Or Home Water Score 2
  13. Toilets are under 1.6 Gallons per Flush (average) Or Home Water Score of 2
  14. Plumbing leak and pressure test shows no leaks
  15. Use steel braided hoses or drainpans under clothes washers
  16. Drains under tank water heater in or above living space
  17. Gutter system draining away from home or well-draining sandy soils
  18. Review and resolve any potential lead issues in pre-1978 homes
  19. Mitigate any asbestos or ensure none present
  20. No knob and tube wiring remains in the home
  21. A majority of lighting should be LED
  22. Attached Housing Only – Reduce air leaks between units
  23. If fireplace exists ensure occupants are not exposed to bad air quality
  24. Evaluate embodied carbon – New Construction Only


  1. DOE Home Energy Score of 6
  2. Shower head(s) are 2.0 Gallons Per Minute (Average) or Home Water Score of 3
  3. Bathroom Aerators are 1.75 Gallons Per Minute (Average) or Home Water Score of 3
  4. Toilets are under 1.3 Gallons per Flush (average) or Home Water Score of 3
  5. Properly sized cooling equipment
  6. Use at least MERV 10 Rated Filters on Ducted Systems
  7. Moisture resistant flooring in bathroom, kitchen & main entry ways
  8. Bathfans must be tested to at least 50 CFM or more in each bathroom
  9. Whole-house fresh air supply provided
  10. New gas appliances must be sealed/vented or all electric
  11. The kitchen must have proper ventilation through rangehood or outdoor air system or monitor
  12. Refrigerant charge test completed on all AC / Heatpumps
  13. Create instructions documenting how to maintain the building
  14. Homeowner or tenant trained on how to maintain the building
  15. No new ducts in floor panned in joists
  16. New shower/tub surrounds use certified wallboard, coating or is drywall free
  17. Reduce embodied carbon in materials – New Construction Only
  18. Further reduced air leakage in attached housing to .3 for new and .4 for existing
  19. Grading slopes away from home or french drains are added in new construction


  1. DOE Home Energy Score of 8
  2. Shower head(s) are = or < 1.5 Gallons Per Minute (Average) or home water score of 5
  3. Bathroom Aerators are = or < 1 Gallons Per Minute (Average) or home water score of 5
  4. Toilets are = or < 1 Gallon per Flush (average) or home water score of 5
  5. Balanced fresh air system installed and tested
  6. Add an air quality sensor to the main the living area or ducts
  7. Insulate cold water pipes or keep them out of unconditioned space
  8. Water heating is all electric or solar
  9. Cooking is all electric
  10. Dryer is all-electric
  11. Heating is dual fuel/hybrid or all-electric
  12. Use at least MERV 13 Rated Filters on Ducted Systems
  13. Tap water filtration added that is appropriate to the area
  14. Well water systems must use on demand softeners when present
  15. If installing new wood product do not use tropical OR make sure it is certified
  16. Attached Housing Only – Reduce air leaks between units – .23 New | .3 Renovation
  17. Reduce embodied energy or upfront carbon in materials by 15% New Construction Only


  1. DOE Home Energy Score of 10 on existing or 17.5 mbtu/year of energy use on New Builds
  2. All ducts are fully ducted and none are panned in the joists
  3. All Heating is all electric
  4. Use at least MERV 16 Rated Filters on Ducted Systems
  5. Ventilation includes energy/heat recovery or smart features
  6. Humidity control is present where appropriate by climate
  7. Advanced plumbing or hot water test passed
  8. Shower head(s) are = or < 1.25 Gallons Per Minute (Average) or Home Water Score of 6
  9. Toilets are < 1 Gallon per Flush (average) or Home Water Score of 6
  10. Bathroom Aerators are = or < .5 Gallons Per Minute (Average) or Home Water Score of 6
  11. Water leak detection and real time metering
  12. No combustion fireplace present indoors
  13. Home appliances made for time of use / peak load avoidance
  14. Home breaker box 200 amp and can fit future solar & electric car chargers
  15. Floorscore or Green Label Plus on new carpet
  16. Attached Housing Only – Reduce air leaks between units – .15 New | .23 Renovations
  17. Reduce embodied energy or upfront carbon in materials by 30% New Construction Only


Badges represent high performance in specific areas within the 5 pillars of green where the project has gone above and beyond what is required in the GreenStar Homes program. All projects can add a badge to any certified project by meeting additional criteria . Badges that are currently available include:

  • GHI Zero Energy Certified
  • GHI Zero Carbon Certified
  • GHI Zero Energy Ready Certified
  • Zero Water Capable
  • Electrified Living
  • Healthier Home (Clean living)
  • Accessibility
  • Reduced Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF)
  • Resilience
  • Foam-free
  • Home Water Score
  • Nature-friendly
  • Walkability
  • Peak Load Shaver
  • Storm Water Control
  • Sustainable Materials

Review Badge Details below the requirements

Here is an overview of each requirement listed in the manual below:

“Measures” – Brief description of what the requirement is

“Level or opportunity” – This tells you if the specific item is required to certify or just an opportunity

“What is required” – Several details on what is required to meet the credit or requirements. If details still need to be included, please contact us for further clarification.

“Multifamily / Mixed Use” – Specific information for multifamily housing and/or commercial spaces

“An alternative approach” – Potential alternative ways of meeting the requirement are provided. Do you have an idea that is not listed? Let us know!

“Resources & Studies” – Related resources, articles, and information to provide further understanding of the requirement.

“Products that can help” – Generous sponsors help to make this program possible; their products are listed as suggestions within the requirements that they may help to achieve.

“Verification” – Explains how the Owner/Project Team and/or GreenHome Inspector will verify the credit or requirement. Documentation may include photos, receipts, calculations, signed statements, testing details, etc. Other suggestions may be considered.

Badge(s) – Badges show your project is just meeting a certain level of certification. All projects can add a badge to baseline certified projects by meeting Certain credits or requirements. Badges include but may not be limited to,

“Unique programs” – Are there other unique programs this applies too and how might it be different?

Versions and Program Upgrades 

The GreenStar Homes Certification program, just as green building science, evolves and improves based on new information. Please check back frequently for new and better versions. See here in the manual for updates. Projects that have had a preliminary rating completed are officially registered may certify under the version used at that time as long as the plans have not significantly changed. If you have ideas on how to improve the program please contact us to share them. We welcome all ideas.

Improvement Plus Program 

The GreenStar Homes Improvement Plus Program seeks to align with federal and state housing programs such as HUD, Fannie, Freddie, and LIHTC. The below items are set up in the checklist as hidden fields. If pursuing one of these programs, these requirements may be activated and GreenHome Institute will add additional verification to ensure compliance.Though GreenStar requirements already typically supersede these requirements at the Certified level, they will need to be tracked independently.

Currently, details about this program are available in the energy and water performance pathways.  To see these details in the GreenStar workbook, unhide all columns and rows after making a copy.

This manual is not meant to be printed and is continuously updated.

The current version is 4, and the manual was last updated on May 2nd, 2023, with details on updates tracked at the end of the manual here. You may make comments on this anytime. Your input is invaluable. This manual has the same details as the website.

Determine the project’s future climate risks

Determine the project’s future climate risks

Certified | Silver | Gold | Platinum

Determine the risks associated with the existing project site using the Portfolio Protect resource. Document risks and communicate them to occupant(s) or owner.

Actions need to be taken through design and renovation to mitigate, adapt and/or resist risk based on risk level:

  1. Silver – Any risk with a rating of 5 (High)
  2. Gold – Any risk with a rating of 4 (Medium High)
  3. Platinum – Any risk with a rating of 3 (Medium)

Many of the requirements in the higher levels of GreenStar Homes correspond with a risk reduction and can be used as an acceptable action. Actions for existing home repairs may be limited and may be discussed with the reviewer and GreenHome Inspector.

Alternative approach 

Phase II environmental reports on larger projects may be able to document specific risks to the project such as flooding. Alternative flood and climate change reports may be allowed. Many larger cities with universities have documented these risks through local research and studies.  Other suggestions are welcome.

Resources & Studies

Strategies for building multifamily resilience | | | RELI
National Risk Index | | Fortified


Upload reports to email or file share. If action needs to be taken, document what actions and remedies will be taken.

Home Energy Cost Rating and Performance Testing Opportunities

Home Energy Cost Rating and Performance Testing Opportunities

Certified | Silver | Gold | Platinum

A final energy rating must be completed on the home. Energy use should be 50 percent lower than that of the average home in the area to get to the Certified level. Here are some details, requirements, and resources to achieve this.

For renovations, the DOE Home Energy Score can be used to easily determine the corresponding GreenStar certification level; however, if an alternative tool is used, the rating can be determined based on the corresponding MBtu energy use (and local weather station) found here. 

What is required:


  1. Home Energy Score 5 or Pearl Gold – Certified
  2. Score 6 – Silver
  3. Score 8 – Gold
  4. Score 10 (pre-solar) – Platinum
  5. Zero Energy Capable Certified Badge
  6. Zero Energy Certified Badge

New construction

  1. Use 34 MBtus or 10,000 kWhs or less or ANSI 301 ERI 55 for Certified
  2. Use 30.6 MBtus or 9,000 kWhs or less for or ERI 40 for Silver
  3. Use 24.5 MBtus or 7,200 kWhs or less for ERI 30 for Gold
  4. Use 17.1 MBtus or 5,400 kWhs or less for ERI 20 for Platinum
  5. Zero Energy Ready Badge
  6. Zero Energy Certified Badge

Multifamily, mixed-use, and small commercial projects can use the DOE Home Energy Score. Any commercial space must use comparable thermal envelope and HVAC systems. Lighting, appliances, and computer systems must use an alternative way to measure energy use in addition to this rating. More info coming soon on using this for commercial and offices.

Alternative approach

Approved tools (others considered on a case-by-case basis):

  • 90.1 Modeling Software
  • Home Energy Rating Score (HERS Index)
  • WUFI Passive
  • Passive House Planning Package
  • BeOpt

Resources & Studies 

GreenStar Homes Certification currently references the U.S. Energy Information Administration data from their Residential Energy Consumption Survey report

The US Department of Energy DIY home energy scoring tool may be used to certify in conjunction with a blower door test if there is no local home energy score assessor.

Watch our ‘Comparing Resident Energy Rating Systems’ CEU webinar:

Products that can help 

Mitsubishi heat pumps, both ducted and ductless, can help cut utility bills and emissions to improve a home’s energy score. Reducing penetrations required by gas appliances can reduce air leakage and reduce venting and gas piping costs. Ducted heat pumps can replace furnaces, while ductless systems can cut costs and energy loss that occurs with ducts. Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) systems can heat, cool, and ventilate multifamily buildings as needed, all at the same time. The new A coil allows existing gas systems to pair outdoor heatpumps to have dual fuel approach when needed.

Rheem manufactures air source heat-pump water heaters that use significantly less energy than standard electric or gas water heaters:

AprilAire offers more energy efficient dehumidifiers which can be run at a lower energy usage than traditional A/C. Removing humidity makes rooms feel less hot, thus improving occupant comfort and reducing the need for A/C.

Indow Windows –  Storm windows on the inside. DIY secondary storm windows are placed on the inside of windows to save energy, improve comfort and reduce air leakage.


Submit a completed energy rating from the appropriately certified professional at the final submission stage. The appropriate certification body should certify the energy rating and provide a final document that is not in draft form.  Special considerations are offered on a case-by-case basis, as all programs and providers work differently.

Improvement Plus Program Only

For new construction and substantial rehabilitation, designed building energy performance is at least 25 percent better than the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC version 2009) or, if greater than 3-stories above grade, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers Standard 90.1(ASHRAE 90.1 version 2007).

For existing buildings, the project must achieve an energy use reduction of at least 15 percent. ​Baseline energy use is determined using most recent 12 months of energy and water usage history.

Moisture and wall water leak assessment + repair

Moisture and wall water leak assessment + repair


All GreenStar Homes Certified projects need to be evaluated for water entry and moisture risk.

GreenHome Inspection Checklist for renovation projects.

Energy Star for Homes Water Management Checklist for new construction.

Items to review include 

  1. Roof condition
  2. Old chimneys
  3. Flashing issues
  4. Roof ventilation
  5. Gutters and downspouts
  6. Siding issues
  7. Structural issues
  8. Carpeting in moisture-rich areas like entries, kitchens, basements, and bathrooms
  9. Moisture meter test in the basement
  10. Visible mold, mildew, or damage
  11. Ground slope away from the home
  12. Drain pan under washers and water heaters if in or above living space
  13. Paperless drywall behind shower and tub or ASTM certified

Alternative approach 

Gutters may not be required if the home has well-draining sandy soils based on an engineering study.

Steel-braided hoses on washers are permitted in place of a drain pan.

French drains may be used as an alternative to ground sloping away from the home.

Resources & Studies 

The Energy Star Water Management System: Not a wet blanket webinar series.

WUFI Passive modeling can be used to determine moisture risk of wall assemblies and is highly recommend to use determine moisture risk.

Products that can help

SunRadon offers a way to evaluate potential mold risk in the basement while also testing for radon simultaneously. Evaluate mold risk by gathering temperature and humidity over time to determine if corrections need to be made to the basement area or ground-level area.


Completed GreenHome Inspection checklist with photos of existing homes

Builder-signed Energy Star Water Management Checklist on new construction and major renovations

Properly exhausting bath fans in each bathroom

Properly exhausting bath fans in each bathroom


Every bathroom requires a properly installed bath fan that is vented outdoors and ventilates appropriately based on the “toilet paper test.” To perform the test, hold up a piece of toilet paper and see if it stays attached to the fan without falling. Preferably the fan should be tested by an HVAC professional or GreenHome Inspector to reach 50 CFM or higher (required for Silver-level certification).

Alternative approach 

Installing a heat or energy recovery ventilator instead is ideal.

Resources & Studies  

Bath fans help to remove moisture from showers and can therefore stop mold and mildew. They can also be used as a quick and easy ventilation method for the entire house. Because bath fans have the potential to distribute or circulate carbon monoxide, GreenStar requires that gas water heaters be tested to rule out leaks. Bath fans should be installed with a straight duct going up or out, avoiding bends or kinks, and should not be vented into the attic. Bath fans should be Energy Star certified with a low sone rating (not too loud). Bathroom Exhaust Fans

Products that can help 

Panasonic has many different options for bath fans. Their ‘Whisper Green’ and ‘Value’ models are very quiet and can be used for continued ventilation.


Video of the toilet paper test, fan photo, and specifications on the fan. Receipt of installation

Electric stove OR Range hood is tested to vent outdoors at 100 CFM

Electric stove OR Range hood is tested to vent outdoors at 100 CFM 


Stoves produce PM2.5, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and other pollutants and must be vented to ensure a healthier home. Electric stoves give off much less pollution than do gas stoves, though pollution is still released.  Stoves can also contribute to moisture in the home. At the Certified level, the options are electric stove, induction stove, or venting the range hood directly outside and having it tested at 100 CFM or higher.

Building Performance Institute (BPI) protocols require testing burners on older gas stoves to ensure limited emissions from CO.

Alternative approach 

  1. If the kitchen has a bath fan or some supply or exhaust fan (such as from an ERV), provide verification showing five air changes per hour based on the volume of the defined kitchen space. Note: ERVs without boost function do not vent pollution as quickly as direct vents.
  2. Projects with a window in the kitchen can use a RESET-certified device that can detect PM2.5, VOCs, and humidity, and alert the occupant if levels are high. Certification requires that the occupant be trained and educated on this (documentation required).
  3. Builders/Developers not providing stoves must show no gas lines or hookups to meet this requirement.

Resources & Studies 

recent study by the National Center for Healthy Housing found that ventilation significantly reduces cooking pollution, except for NO2, from gas stoves. Kitchen Exhaust Fans Kitchen Exhaust Retrofit Duct Guide

Products that can help 

Panasonic offers a variety of ventilation systems that can be used to exhaust a kitchen, depending on your project type. Range hoods, vent fans, stand-alone ERVS, or whole home ERVs. Learn more here.

The Awair air quality monitor can detect PM2.5 and alert occupants to take action to improve air quality.


Photos and documentation of the electric stove or documentation, reports, and testing results of the ventilation system in place.

No gas leaks found from inspection


No gas leaks found from inspection


Every home or unit with gas must be tested both inside and at the meter to ensure there are no gas leaks. Test all gas appliances and piping with a handheld gas detector. Even newly installed equipment is frequently found to have gas leaks.

Alternative approach 

Consider going all-electric to avoid gas leaks.

Resources & Studies

RESNET Chapter 8 proposed amendment:


If there is a noticeable odor indicating gas buildup within the home, the occupants and Auditor shall leave the house and the appropriate authorities and utility providers shall be notified from outside the home. The Auditor should use a gas detector upon entry into the home to detect the presence of natural gas. If gas is suspected or confirmed, ensure that switches are not operated while exiting and no ignition concerns are present. The audit shall not proceed until the proper

authorities have deemed it safe to re-enter the home. If there is no noticeable odor indicating gas buildup within the home, the Auditor shall determine if there are gas leaks in the fittings and connections of natural gas appliances within the home and natural gas/liquid propane supply lines following these protocols.

Inspect all fittings and joints in supply lines and appliance connectors and confirm suspected leaks with leak-detection fluid. Identify for repair or replacement any kinked, corroded or visibly worn flexible gas lines and any flexible connectors manufactured prior to 1974. 

806.1 Equipment needed

Combustible gas detector capable of measuring 20 ppm

Leak detection fluid (non-corrosive)”

Products that can help

The BPI Basics Kit


Reports and results of testing performed by GreenHome Inspector or professional home inspector, noting the location of any leaks found. Video documentation of HVAC, plumber, and/or utility company performing leak testing. Verification of home being all electric.


Test combustion-based appliances for CO leaks and replace or repair if found

Test combustion-based appliances for CO leaks and replace or repair if found

Certified Level

Every home or unit with gas must be tested for carbon monoxide leaks from combustion-based appliances.

An alternative approach 

Use sealed-combustion equipment or opt for all electric.

Resources & Studies

Building Performance Institute: Safety inspection


The GreenHome Institute Inspector should complete a test, and reports and results should include if there are any issues and where they are found. Video documentation of HVAC, plumber, and/or a home inspector is allowed. If the home is all-electric, no further requirements are needed.

Carbon Monoxide detectors are installed on all floors and near fireplaces

Carbon Monoxide detectors are installed on all floors and near fireplaces


Hardwired CO detectors with battery backup must be installed on all floors and next to any fireplaces, even in all-electric homes. Low-level CO detectors are recommended, though dual smoke/CO detectors are acceptable.

Alternative approach 

Because backup energy should prevent the need for generators or CO-generating heating devices during an outage, homes or buildings that obtain the power resiliency badge, which requires backup energy, may skip this.


Photos of the installed CO detectors, receipt of order.

No radon detected above PCL 4 when tested or system installed

No radon detected above PCL 4 when tested or system installed


Passive radon mitigation system installed or radon test showing levels below PCL 4.

Complete a radon test of the property using any valid method such as laboratory kits, home inspector 3-day test, or an ongoing radon monitor. If the results show the presence of radon above PCL 4, an active radon system must be installed.

Existing homes in EPA zone 1 and all new construction homes in any EPA zone must install a radon mitigation system. It can be active or passive, and must include foundation work when applicable and passive venting described in EPA Indoor Air Plus.

Alternative approach

Each ground-level home or unit must install a RESET certified or other approved continuous radon monitor in the lowest level. It must include instructions and training details for the occupants and building managers to operate.

Multifamily / Mixed Use

Projects with no-grade units and/or with underground parking are exempt.

Resources & Studies Radon

Products that can help 

Aprilaire offers a radon mitigation system that can be used in new and existing homes.

SunRadon offers continuous radon monitoring devices for individuals, businesses and inspectors to determine if there an issue with radon or if radon mitigation is effective.


Test results

If a system is installed, include photos of the system installation and any foundation work completed.

Use at least MERV 8 – 16 Rated Filters on Ducted Systems

Use at least MERV 8 – 16 Rated Filters on Ducted Systems

Certified Level – MERV 8 | Silver Level – MERV 10 | Gold Level – MERV 13 | Platinum Level – MERV 16

MERV filtration helps remove pollution from the air to improve indoor air quality. Higher levels such as 13 and especially 16 can reduce airborne viruses.

Energy or Heat Recovery Ventilators should have at least MERV 13 filters installed.

Alternative approach 

  1. HEPA-rated filters are approved for use in Certified, Silver, and Gold levels.
  2. Mini-splits and radiant systems used in the absence of a traditional furnace system render this requirement not applicable.
  3. A static pressure test should be performed by a professional to ensure the system can handle the higher-rated filter. MERV filtration has the potential to harm static pressure, especially in older systems, so if necessary, use the highest acceptable filter for Certified and Silver-level certifications for existing homes only. All new construction should be tested and should achieve appropriate static pressure.

Resources & Studies

  1. Nate the house whisperer, short video on static pressure.
  2. Trutech tools static pressure testing details.

Products that can help 

Aprilaire air filters can help quickly reduce airborne pollution.

Mitsubishi offers ductless or ducted air source heat pumps, which can handle higher-rated filters, or mini-splits to avoid these filters altogether.


Photos, receipts of filter purchase, and/or static pressure reports.

Water Flow Rate Prescriptive Requirements

Water Flow Rate Prescriptive Requirements

Certified | Silver | Gold | Platinum

There are two ways to get credit and meet requirements for lowering water usage.

Prescriptive Pathway 

See below for maximum flow rates for desired level of certification. The Home Water Score Pathway, detailed below, is an option that considers other water-using devices.

This includes an average of all flow rates if multiple fixtures are present.

Fixture Certified Silver Gold Platinum
Toilet* <1.6 Gallons Per Flush (GPF) < or = 1.3 GPF < or = 1 GPF < or = .8 GPF
Aerator Bathroom 2.0 Gallons Per Minute (GPM) 1.75 GPM 1.00 GPM .5 GPM
Shower Head 2.2 Gallons Per Minute (GPM) 2.0 GPM 1.5 GPM 1.25 GPM

*Dual-Flush Toilets – When calculating the toilets, take the Low Flow Rate in GPF x 2 + High Flow Rate in GPF / 3 = # GPF to input. Example: .5 GPF low and .9 high = 1 + .9 = 1.9 GPF / 3 = .63

The performance path must be used to get points to consider efficient outdoor water usage through better landscaping, irrigation, greywater, and/or rainwater catchment.

Home Water Score Pathway

The Home Water Score, developed by the GreenHome Institute, is a calculator that measures water savings achieved through the use of low-flow fixtures and water-efficient landscape plans and/or rainwater catchments. The water usage is based on data from the ‘Residential End Uses of Water – Research and Trends’ study.  The formula considers the number of people living in a home as the number of bedrooms, plus one. This number must be used instead of the actual or estimated number of occupants. The Home Water Score shown below must be achieved to gain the certification level listed:

  1. Home Water Score of 2 – Certified
  2. Home Water Score of 3 – Silver
  3. Home Water Score of 5 – Gold
  4. Home Water Score of 6 – Platinum
  5. Home Water Score of 10
  6. Zero Water Certified Badge

Missing Dishwasher or Clothes Washer

If these items are not installed when the project is completed, and the score is submitted, the “worst-case” numbers are used; assuming the occupant will install a unit that is not Energy Star certified.

Outdoor Water Usage

This pathway requires the use of the Outdoor Water Budget tool from the EPA. Note that this tool has an online version that can only be used once and does not have the ability to save. The tool calculates water for all 12 months of the year, even in areas where the winter season eliminates the need to water. For this reason, the results may be divided into two for a more accurate estimate of outdoor water usage.

New construction projects must use the Outdoor Water Usage pathway, but it is not required for renovations that do not include any landscaping changes.

Xeriscaping or projects with no landscaping at all can keep the number ‘1’ in the first section and the ‘0’ in the 2nd for 100 percent savings.

Because the formulas do not calculate greywater or rainwater catchment, these are considered on a case-by-case basis.


Leaks are assumed to either be 100 percent or none, meaning all leaks must be fixed.  Typically, new construction has no leaks, though testing is still required.

Test leaks by taking the required pressure test reading with a pressure gauge, then make sure no water is turned on for 30 minutes. Check for a drop in pressure and see if the water meter moves.

For multifamily and homes with different fixtures in multiple bathroom, use an average of all the units together.

Homes with recirculation loops in faucets reduce water waste in those areas by 12 percent. Please inquire for special consideration if these are installed.

Resources & Studies 

The GreenHome Institute youtube playlist on Water Conversation can help you save water, and it includes a 4 part series on how to use the Home Water Score.

Learn how to use the EPA Outdoor water budget tool

Products that can help 

Niagara Conservation Stealth and Shadow Toilets ensure .8 gallon per flush toilets and are ADA compliant (though they have higher flowing toilets as well).


 Photos and receipts of device installation. Flow-rate, leak test, and water test results.  For landscaping, a landscape plan and plant list should be submitted.

Improvement Plus Program Only
For new construction and substantial rehabilitation, prescribed building water performance must be at least 10% better than the federal minimum requirements.

For existing buildings, project achieves a water use reduction of at least 10% compared with the ​baseline energy use based on recent 12 months of energy/water usage history

Plumbing leak and pressure test shows no leaks

Plumbing leak and pressure test shows no leaks


Every home or building must be tested to ensure there are no water leaks and to measure the water pressure. The test can be done by taking a pressure reading inside or out, turning off the water at the mainline, and then waiting to see if there is a significant pressure drop. Ideally, the test is performed by a plumber using the line depressurization test. If there is a leak, it must be fixed.

Alternative approach 

Consider a water leak and water use real-time monitoring system.

Resources & Studies  

The Spruce: How to Test Your Home’s Water Pressure 

Bob Vila: How to Find a Plumbing Leak


GreenHome Inspector will do leak inspection during final test and report results
The plumber working on the project may record water pressure and leak test results here.

Use steel-braided hoses or drain pans under clothes washers

Use steel-braided hoses or drain pans under clothes washers


Steel-braided hoses reduce leaks from clothes washers by 90 percent. A drain pan placed directly under or floor drain located near the washer will prevent further damage to the floor below if a leak occurs.

Alternative approach 

Install a water leak monitoring device that restricts flow automatically.



Drains under tank water heater in or above living space

Drains under tank water heater in or above living space


Tank water heaters that are above living space or located in it, including a basement with any finished space, must have a drain pan that is piped to a drain. This is to protect against water damage if a leak springs.
An alternative approach

Utility rooms with sloped ground towards the drain will work in place of a pan.

Products that help 

Rheem water heaters can come with drain pan and leak detection.



Gutter system draining away from home or well-draining sandy soils

Gutter system draining away from home or well-draining sandy soils


Ensure gutters are set up either externally or internally and are draining away from foundations to prevent moisture and water entry issues.

Gutters should appear in working order and not clogged upon inspection.

Alternative approach 

Using USDA maps or an engineer’s sample report, verify that the area has well-draining sandy soils. There can also be foundational gutters installed around the home’s perimeter, such as french drains, which may be more appealing and work just as well.

Resources & Studies Gutters and Downspouts


Photos, USDA maps or engineer’s report

Verification – Photos and/or GreenHome Inspection report completed by GreenStar Homes Inspector. A good home inspection report may suffice too.

Review and resolve any potential lead issues in pre-1978 homes

Review and resolve any potential lead issues in pre-1978 homes


Lead is a serious issue that can cause behavioral issues in children and other health problems. Homes built before 1978 require a lead action plan and/or disclosure signed off on by the project developer. Lead can be a very subjective issue, so this can be discussed with your GreenStar Homes Reviewer on a case-by-case basis.

Lead may also exist in old pipes and plumbing, and you may wish to test for this.

Alternative approach 

The ideal approach is to have a lead specialist review and lead sampling.

Resources & Studies Protect Your Family from Sources of Lead


Lead abatement contractor, home inspector, or builder completion of Lead Abatement acknowledgement. Homes newer than 1978 are exempt from this requirement.

Mitigate any asbestos or ensure none present

Mitigate any asbestos or ensure none present


Asbestos is a serious issue that can cause many health problems. An inspection performed by a qualified professional must confirm the absence of asbestos or that the risk has been effectively mitigated.

Alternative approach 

Renovation includes new ducts and insulation in the attic

Resources & Studies Guide to Asbestos in the Home


Energy Rater should avoid blower door testing if asbestos is present and should instead estimate air leakage until the risk of exposure to asbestos has been eliminated

Asbestos remediation report or GHI Inspector’s notes

No knob and tube wiring remains in the home

No knob and tube wiring remains in the home


If knob and tube wiring exists, it must be removed and replaced as it is a fire hazard.


International Association of Certified Home Inspectors: Knob-and-tube wiring


Electrification work receipt and GreenHome Inspector report

A majority of lighting should be LED

A majority of lighting should be LED 


Verification – Receipts, photos and/or GreenHome Inspection Report

Reduce Air Leakage Between Units in Attached Housing

Reduce Air Leakage Between Units in Attached Housing

Certified | Silver | Gold | Platinum

Ensuring air does not move between housing units is good for occupant health and comfort and addresses concerns about the spread of airborne viruses. This is done by measuring air leakage with a blower door test and measuring the square footage of the walls, floors and ceilings to ensure 50 CFM per wall enclosure is achieved.

  • Certified
    • New construction .4
    • Renovation N/A
  • Silver
    • New construction .3
    • Renovation .4
  • Gold
    • New construction .23
    • Renovation .3
  • Platinum
    • New construction .15
    • Renovation .23

Alternative approach 

None at this time

Resources & Studies

Green Building Advisor: Compartmentalization in Multifamily Buildings

GreenHome Institute webinar: Multifamily Air Sealing and Compartmentalization Strategies

Products that can help 

One study shows Indow interior storm windows may reduce air loss by up to 10%


Energy Rater Testing Reports from Blower Door

If a fireplace exists, ensure occupants are not exposed to bad air quality

If a fireplace exists, ensure occupants are not exposed to bad air quality

Certified | Silver | Gold | Platinum

A fireplace needs to be sealed, vented, and equipped with makeup air, and a carbon monoxide detector must be placed in the same room.

Alternative approach 

If a fireplace is not able to meet all of the above requirements, a low-level carbon monoxide detector must be installed nearby along with a RESET certified air quality monitor that can detect and easily inform occupants about rising levels of PM2.5 and carbon monoxide. Occupants must be trained and informed on how and why to use this.

Electric or LED fireplaces are preferred alternative options

Resources & Studies Fuel-burning and space-heating appliance emissions standards

Products that can help 

If using the alternative approach, consider using an Awair device to ensure poor air quality is not continuous.


Photos and receipts of devices and install.

Evaluate embodied carbon

Evaluate embodied carbon

Certified | Silver | Gold | Platinum

Embodied carbon can contribute a substantial percentage of a home’s lifetime carbon emissions, with the remaining portion being from energy use.

While industry and governments work to solve this problem, embodied carbon can be reduced through better material selections.

New construction projects and renovations that involve additions must evaluate and report the embodied carbon associated with all materials associated with the project.  While the Certified level only requires an evaluation and a report on the results, reductions or offsets are required at the Silver level and beyond.

Use one of these approved tools:

  1. Beam Estimator
  2. EC3 Tool
  3. Passive Housing Planning Package Ribbon Software

Alternative approach 

  1. Achieve the GHI Zero Energy Certified Badge
  2. Build 800 square feet or smaller for single family homes or 600 square feet on average in multifamily housing
  3. Build with no concrete


Provide a report on the tool’s results.

Properly sized cooling equipment

Properly sized cooling equipment

Silver | Gold | Platinum

Ensure the installed cooling system is properly sized by using a certified Manual J 8th Edition report (or newer versions as they come out). This will ensure the system runs appropriately and dehumidifies. Consider using a modulating or two-stage system to handle extreme loads as the weather warms up during heat waves.

An alternative approach

  1. ASHRAE manuals for larger systems on multifamily
  2. ERI approved software with calculations
  3. Passive House load calculations if done by a credentialed professional
  4. Not required if there is no coolingResources & Studies 

Manual J Version 8 ACCA 

Products that can help 

Mitsubishi offers air source heatpumps including ducted, ducted mini-splits and full mini-splits that are right-sized for low load homes that demand little cooling


Submit sizing documentation and specs and photos of installed cooling equipment

Moisture resistant flooring in bathroom, kitchen & main entryways

Moisture resistant flooring in bathroom, kitchen & main entryways

Silver | Gold | Platinum

All main entrances, kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms must a moisture-resistant flooring, usually that means avoiding carpet. We recommend avoiding or removing all carpet if possible

Resources & Studies Water-Resistant Flooring



Verification by GreenHome Inspection Report and/or photos.

Bathfans must be tested to at least 50 CFM or more in each bathroom

Bathfans must be tested to at least 50 CFM or more in each bathroom

Silver | Gold | Platinum

Every bathroom requires a properly installed bath fan that is vented outdoors and tested to ensure at least 50 CFM or higher when it is running on and off or 20 CFM when continuously running if providing whole-home ventilation.

An alternative approach

Ideally you may want to use a heat or energy recovery ventilator to do this instead.

Resources & Studies

Bathfans ensure moisture removal from showers to stop mold and mildew. They can also be used as a quick and easy ventilation method for the entire house. For GreenStar your gas water heater will be tested to ensure it is not spilling out carbon monoxide which could be brought up or out by a running bathfan. Bathfans should be installed with a straight duct up, or out. Avoid bends or kinks and do not vent in the attic. Bathfans should be energy-star rated with a low sone rating so they are not too loud. Learn more at

Products that can help

Panasonic makes many different types of bathfans to meet all your needs and their whisper green and value is very quiet if it is being used for continued ventilation. Consider selecting higher ventilation rates such 2 or 3 stage fans up to 80 or 110 CFM to ensure the fan draw can meet 50 CFM.


Testing results

Whole-house fresh air supply provided

Whole-house fresh air supply provided

Silver | Gold | Platinum

The home must have adequate fresh air provided either by supply or exhaust air. Balanced ventilation is suggested but is not required for Silver-level certification. Exhaust air is recommended in cooler climates, while supply air is suggested in warmer climates. This can be accomplished by using a continuously running or intermittent running bath fan or supply air fan in the furnace or alternative means. Systems must be tested to ensure they ventilate properly per the ASHRAE 62.2 2016 standard or higher.

An alternative approach

Passive ventilation may be allowed in milder climates.

Resources & Studies 

  1. Whole-Building Delivered Ventilation
  2. Residential Energy Dynamics: Legacy Tool

Products that can help 

Panasonic has several bath fans, supply fans, and energy recovery ventilators that will help you meet this goal.

Build Equinox offers the CERV2 smart ventilation system that be a whole house ventilation system that also conditions and filters air. It detects indoor air pollution and runs higher when the home or space is more polluted but runs lower when there is less.


System details, photos, reports and testing results.

New gas appliances must be sealed/vented or all-electric

New gas appliances must be sealed/vented or all-electric

Silver | Gold | Platinum

All gas furnaces and water heaters that are gas-powered must be sealed combustion or power vented for the exhaust.

Alternative approach

Use electric systems to avoid the need for combustion.

Resources & Studies 

3 problems with naturally drafted appliances 

Sealed combustion – BSC


Products that can help 

Rheem has many products that can help from sealed combustion, on-demand tankless, and all-electric heat pumps.

Mitsubishi ducted and ductless all-electric heating systems avoid the need for gas and venting.


Photos and product specifications.

The kitchen must have proper ventilation through rangehood or outdoor air system or monitor

The kitchen must have proper ventilation through rangehood or outdoor air system or monitor

Silver | Gold | Platinum

The kitchen must have an outdoor air hood range tested to at least 100 CFM but no more than 400 CFM without additional makeup air such as a window nearby or intake that turns at 400 CFM. If the system is modulating, the makeup air is not required but owner education is.

Alternative approach 

All these approaches require the stove to be electric

  1. If an alternative system like an ERV/HRV or fan is serving the kitchen it must 5 air changes per hour or more defined by tested fan CFM AND kitchen volume.
  2. Or – Use a RESET certified PM2.5 monitor and have a CO detector in the kitchen with a window and educate the occupant to use to be informed on pollution build-up in the kitchen.

Resources & Studies Kitchen Exhaust Retrofit Duct Guide

Specify the exhaust system with 120 CFM or more to ensure the fan pulls at 100. When designing a system reduce bends and turns in ducts to ensure proper pull.

Products that can help 

  1. Panasonic rangehoods or Energy Recovery Ventilators
  2. Awair certified Pm2.5 sensor


Reports of duct testing, note on plans, photos and other calculations.

Refrigerant charge test completed on all AC / Heat pumps

Refrigerant charge test completed on all AC / Heat pumps

Silver | Gold | Platinum

An Energy Star charge test (section 2 of this form) or equivalent must be completed by an HVAC contractor on any new or existing AC units or heat pumps. This is important to ensure the unit functions correctly and efficiently and to avoid high energy bills. Recycle or capture the refrigerant from any AC units or heat pumps replaced during the project.

An alternative approach

Many newer systems come pre-charged and will therefore not require this test.

The energy rater can complete this test using the 310 Standard.

Products that can help

Mitsubishi air source heat pumps come pre-charged and do not require an additional test.


Submit the Energy Star charge test results signed by HVAC technician or the Energy Star Standard 310 completed by an Energy Rater.

Create instructions documenting how to maintain the building

Create instructions documenting how to maintain the building
Silver | Gold | Platinum

Instructions must be completed and given to the homeowner or building manager.

Instructions shall include:

  • Dates and times for equipment maintenance and repair or replacement
  • Easy access to equipment manuals
  • Details how to maintain items in an easy to understand way
  • Contact information for professionals who may assist
  • Warranty dates
  • Any other relevant information

Consider creating videos or Matterport walkthroughs of the project with details on how to maintain systems.

Alternative approach

Create a virtual walkthrough with videos and/or matterport and verbal maintenance instructions

Resources & Studies

Green Door energy efficiency tool

Enterprise Green Communities Operations & Maintenance templates

Matterport example


All manuals must have a digital component and this will need to be shared with GHI

Homeowner or tenant trained on how to maintain the building

Homeowner or tenant trained on how to maintain the building

Silver | Gold | Platinum

The people who live in the home or manage the building must be trained briefly on how to maintain the GreenStar Homes standards.

Alternative approach

Create a virtual walkthrough with videos and/or matterport that can be used anytime. If this is an owner-occupied project where the homeowner is managing the project, this is met.

Resources & Studies

Matterport example


Submit a summary on how the training takes place or how tenants are educated during unit turnover.

No new ducts in floor panned in joists

No new ducts in floor panned in joists
Silver | Gold | Platinum

Panning ducts in the joists can cause leaky ducts and moisture issues. Ensure if any new duct work is being done that the ducts are fully ducted in both supply and return.

Alternative approach

Go ductless or ducted minisplit(s) or radiant

Resources & Studies 

International Association of Certified Home Inspectors: Building Cavities Used as Supply or Return Ducts

Products that can help

Mitsubishi ductless and ducted mini-splits are the most efficient HVAC for air source heat pumps and eliminate costly ducting. Check them out



New shower/tub surrounds use certified wallboard, coating or is drywall free

New shower/tub surrounds use certified wallboard, coating or is drywall free

Silver | Gold | Platinum

To help keep mold and mildew from growing, ensure that the shower and tub surround either has no drywall behind it, is coated, or has a certified ASTM D 3273 rating on it. This is only required for new shower and tub surrounds.

Resources & Studies Cement board behind tub and shower enclosures


Product specification sheets and photos of the installation

Reduce embodied carbon in materials

Reduce embodied carbon in materials 

| Silver 10% | Gold 15% | Platinum 25%

Embodied carbon is the amount of carbon released in the process of obtaining or manufacturing construction materials before construction begins. It includes material extraction, production, transportation and disposal, along with construction practices and processes.

Reduce embodied carbon from the average 154 kg CO2e/m2 by: 10 percent for Silver, 15 percent for Gold, and 25 percent for Platinum.

Current approved modeling tools that can be used include:

  1. Beam Estimator
  2. EC3 Tool
  3. Passive Housing Network PH Ribbon

Alternative approach 

Use one or more of these pathways

Silver Level Only

  1. Build a home or building with no concrete (besides landscape or site) instead of evaluating embodied carbon
  2. Calculate the carbon produced from construction and purchase Renewable Energy Credits to offset the full amount
  3. Add additional solar to the project (not allowed with GHI Zero Energy Certified badge) to offset all embodied carbon

Any level alternative

Build a small single family home of 800 square feet or less or a multifamily building with  units averaging 600 square feet

Resources & Studies

Passive Buildings of Canada and Builders for Climate Action conducted a first-of-its-kind embodied energy study called EMBARC.

GreenHome Institute embodied carbon youtube “playlist”

Products that can help 

Mineral wool reduces embodied carbon in most cases as compared to foam insulation. Consider using Rockwool exterior insulation or batts.


Provide results obtained from the embodied carbon modeling tool and compare to construction plans and specifications.

Balanced fresh-air system installed and tested

Balanced fresh-air system installed and tested

Gold | Platinum

Better ventilation systems supply fresh air and exhaust stale air simultaneously and at the same rate in compliance with the ASHRAE 62.2 2016 standard (or higher) based on the number of bedrooms and square footage of the home. These systems may include a supply air vent fan as a standalone or in heating/cooling system and then exhaust air from a bath fan or other exhaust fan.

An alternative approach

Natural ventilation is allowed in warmer climates.

Resources & Studies Whole-House Ventilation

GreenHome Institute CE webinar: How to improve the air with ventilation

Products that can help

Panasonic SelectCycler can communicate with a bath fan and furnace intake to bring in fresh air as needed.

Build Equinox CERV2 works to ensure balanced fresh air and monitor air quality, and has a built-in heat pump.


During predrywall or installation, confirm that the ducts do not have significant bends, turns, or drops to ensure proper flow. Photo document the installed device and label and use ventilation testing equipment to ensure proper flow meeting the ASHRAE 62.2 2016 (or higher) standard, which may also include results from a blower door test.

Add an air quality sensor to the main living area or ducts

Add an air quality sensor to the main living area or ducts

Gold | Platinum

With more affordable air sensors coming to the market it’s now easier than ever to continuously monitor air quality in a home and help ensure the home is healthy long after the construction project is completed. These devices can also be used prior to construction to identify any issues.

Air quality shall be certified to the RESET standard and should measure:

  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
  • Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC)
  • Humidity
  • Temperature
  • PM2.5

The device shall be set up and working and the homeowner must be trained on how to use it.

Resources & Studies

RESET air quality monitors

GreenHome Institute webinar: Introduction to real time air quality metrics and scores

Products that can help

Awair features an integrated and standalone air quality monitoring system that tracks air quality scores based on the level of pollutants and records patterns. The results can be sent to a phone or PC to inform occupants in real time.

Sunradon offers professional level monitors for monitoring multiple buildings, projects or for home inspectors to get certified radon reports.


Receipt of product purchase, photos of the monitor in operation, and details on how to use it in the homeowner or tenant training manual.


Receipt of purchase of a product, photos of it being set up, and details on how to use it in the homeowner or tenant training manual.

Insulate cold water pipes or keep them out of unconditioned space

Insulate cold water pipes or keep them out of unconditioned space

Gold | Platinum

Cold water pipes running in unconditioned spaces may have moisture issues, which could cause water damage. Keep these pipes out of those spaces, add conditioning or insulate the pipes to R4. In renovation projects, insulate as much of the piping that can be reached.

Resources & Studies Insulating Plumbing Pipes


Photos of plumbing plans, if present, and photos of the installation and location of piping.

Water heating is all electric or solar

Water heating is all electric or solar 

Gold | Platinum

Water heaters should be all-electric or solar thermal. Best approaches include geothermal desuperheaters or air source heat pumps. Resistance water heaters are allowed but may be expensive to operate and have high energy consumption.

Resources & Studies 

GreenHome Institute webinar: Can we heat our water better using the air?

Products that can help

The Rheem Prestige Proterra features one of the highest-efficiency rated heat pump water heaters on the market.  It can be integrated into a building smart system to manage time-of-use, leak detection, temperature settings, and maintenance notices.


Photos and label of installed device

Cooking is all-electric

Cooking is all-electric 

Gold | Platinum

Induction cooking is ideal but resistance is allowable.

Resources & Studies

GreenHome Institute webinar: The future of the sustainable kitchen design: Induction Cooking & the Joys of Induction Cooking.


Photo of installed device

Dryer is all-electric

Dryer is all-electric 

Gold | Platinum
Heat pump dryers are the most efficient; traditional electric dryers are also acceptable. Condensing dryers allow for reduced penetrations in the walls, which results in less air leakage. Dryers should be Energy Star certified. Smart dryers are recommended.


Photo of installed dryer and label.

Heating is dual fuel/hybrid or all-electric

Heating is dual fuel/hybrid or all-electric
Gold | Platinum

All heating systems that are gas-fired must have a heat pump integrated into them that runs when the temperature drops to a particular level.  Newly installed systems in climate zone 4 + must have cold-weather climate models or integrated geothermal. Projects with mini-splits that meet this are allowed. Occupants must be educated on how and when to make the switch.

Alternative approach 

Fireplaces used as backup heat in climate zone 4 + are allowed.

Resources & Studies

GreenHome Institute webinar: Heatpumps & Gas: Cold Climate Hybrid Systems are here!

Products that can help

Mitsubishi intelli-HEAT has the ability to connect with an outdoor condenser and use a new or existing gas unit.


Photos of labels and installed products indoors and out, details and training for how to operate the system listed in the occupant manual.

Tap water filtration added that is appropriate to the area

Tap water filtration added that is appropriate to the area

Gold | Platinum

Water quality is of great concern in regards to human health. Perform water quality testing and address any concerns. All drinking water must be filtered through reverse osmosis or other effective filtration system.

Alternative approach


Resources & Studies

GreenHome Institute webinar: Introduction to Air and Water Purification


Results of water tests. Photos and specifications of the installed filtration system. Details in the instructions to tenant or homeowner on how to maintain and operate the system

Well water systems must use on-demand softeners

Well water systems must use on-demand softeners

Gold | Platinum

Water softeners, when present, shall run on demand based on water use. Make sure hardness is set to the appropriate level based on water testing. This is not needed for city water systems.


Photo of the installed system

If installing new wood products, do not use tropical wood OR make sure it is certified

If installing new wood products, do not use tropical wood OR make sure it is certified 

Gold | Platinum

To help alleviate pressure on tropical forests please specify Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) certified wood products if using wood from outside of North America or Europe.

Resources & Studies

GreenHome Institute webinar: Sustainable Forestry Initiative & Green Building


Chain-of-custody documentation of any wood products used that are from tropical areas or a letter from the lumber supplier stating no tropical wood was used.

All ducts are fully ducted and none are panned in the joists

All ducts are fully ducted and none are panned in the joists 


New and existing duct systems need to be fully ducted (hard or flex) to ensure a better functioning HVAC system that decreases energy loss and moisture issues and increases comfort. Ideally, ducts should be fully sealed with tape or mastic and tested for low duct leakage, though this is not required.  Existing duct systems must be made to be fully ducted if they are not.

Alternative approach 

Use ductless systems or ductless mini-splits

Install radiant systems

Use a blow in duct agent in existing home projects to achieve Energy Star Homes v3 Duct leakage may be allowable to some extent when the expense of replacing all ductwork is of concern; to be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Existing ductwork that is panned in the joist may be used for the ERV / HRV or supply air fan when using alternative heating and cooling.

Resources & Studies Building Cavities Not Used as Supply or Return Ducts

Products that can help

Mitsubishi has many ducted air source heat pumps and ductless systems that use hyper heat to perform in very cold climates.


Photo documentation of duct systems

Heating is all-electric

Heating is all-electric 


The main space heating system cannot be combustion-based and must be powered by electricity. A ground- or air-source heat pump system is ideal.

Alternative approach 

Passive solar water heating systems, combined with passive solar heating, may be acceptable in appropriate climates.

Resources & Studies 

GreenHome Institute youtube heat pump playlist has all the education and details needed for air-source or ground-source heat pump systems.

NEEP has a great resource page including details, product lists, and installation guides for cold-weather-climate air source heat pumps.

Products that can help

Mitsubishi offers multiple solutions for heating and cooling efficiency in an all-electric way using ductless, ducted furnace-like systems and ducted mini-split systems. They also have VRF for commercial solutions. Their system uses hyper heat to keep operating when it is cold.

Build Equinox has an all-in-one heating, cooling, and ventilation systems that can work as a standalone in some smaller homes or milder climates and pairs well to distribute Mitsubishi mini split air.


Photos of installation both indoors and out. Photos of labels.

NEEP has a great resource page including details, product lists, and installation guides for cold weather climate air source heatpumps

Products that can help

Mitsubishi offers multiple solutions for heating and cooling efficiency and all electrically using ductless, ducted furnace-like systems and ducted mini-split systems. They also have VRF for commercial solutions. Their system uses hyper heat to keep operating when it is cold.  Check out all their products here

Build Equinox has an all-in-one heating, cooling, and ventilation system that can work as a standalone in some smaller or milder climates or pairs well to distribute Mitsubishi mini-split air.


Photos of installation both inside and outside. Photos of labels.

Ventilation includes energy/heat recovery or smart features

Ventilation includes energy/heat recovery or smart features 


Approach 1 – The home will have balanced ventilation with heat recovery ventilators (HRV) or energy recovery ventilators (ERV) to ventilate the entire living space to ASHRAE 62.2 2016 standard (or higher) based on the number of bedrooms and square footage of the home.

Approach 2 – Have a smart system that works in coordination with the balanced system to detect poor air quality and ventilate the space as needed based on the settings of the system.

The system must be able to sense and detect air quality issues. Range hood must be able to detect PM2.5 and exhaust it when present, unless a balanced system provides air to the cooking area. The system shall operate in all bathrooms and kitchens and shall be able to sense and take action to expel pollutants, including:

  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
  • Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC)
  • Humidity
  • Temperature
  • PM2.5

The air quality monitoring requirement in the Gold level is met by using Approach 2, even if not RESET certified.

Resources & Studies

GreenHome Institute youtube playlist: Smart Ventilation & Air Quality Monitors

Products that can help

Build Equinox CERV2 monitors air pollution in the home and has an exhaust function that turns on when levels are high but turns down to save energy when the air quality in the home is good.

Panasonic offers several solutions that can be used in smaller projects with decentralized, non-ducted systems up to larger projects requiring fully ducted 200 CFM energy recovery ventilators.

Also, they offer a monitoring switch system that can communicate with bath fans, air supply, and range hoods to detect air quality and exhaust pollutants as needed.


Photos and specifications on the system as well as ventilation testing data. Details on homeowner/tenant training and operations need to be presented as well.

Humidity control is present where appropriate by climate

Humidity control is present where appropriate by climate 


The ability to control humidity over changing weather conditions is very important for a building’s health and durability. Additional dehumidification also reduces A/C demand and overall energy use and can ensure dryer air in the spring and fall. Whole-home dehumidification or humidification that can maintain 40 – 50 dewpoint at all times shall be installed in homes in necessary climates.

Alternative approach 

Natural humidity control can be sufficient in appropriate climates and verified through air quality monitoring to ensure it is effective.

Resources & Studies

GreenHome Institute YouTube webinar playlist on Humidity Control

Products that can help

AprilAire dehumidification & humidication devices help ensure homes are comfortable and healthy in regards to moisture and energy-efficiency.

Controlling vapor in the building shell also helps ensure proper humidity levels. Rockwool insulation helps with this.


Photos and labels of installed systems. Details on how to use and maintain the system should be present in the manual and training.

Advanced plumbing or hot water test passed

Advanced plumbing or hot water test passed


Following the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home Requirements Rev 7 page 7 “No more than 0.6 gallons (2.3 liters) of water shall be collected from the hot water fixture before hot water is delivered. Only the fixture with the greatest stored volume between the fixture and the hot water source (or recirculation loop) needs to be tested. To field verify that the system meets the 0.6 gallon (2.3 liter) limit, verifiers shall first initiate operation of on-demand recirculation systems, if present, and let such systems run for at least 40 seconds….Next, a bucket or flow measuring bag (pre-marked for 0.6 gallons) shall be placed under the hot water fixture. The hot water shall be turned on completely and a digital temperature sensor used to record the initial temperature of the water flow. Once the water reaches the pre-marked line at 0.6 gallons (approximately 24 seconds for a lavatory faucet), the water shall be turned off and the ending temperature of the water flow (not the collection bucket) shall be recorded. The temperature of the water flow must increase by ≥ 10 °F.”

Resources & Studies 

Review the GreenHome Institute CE webinar: Practically Perfect Plumbing Part 1 and Part 2


Complete and document the hot water test as listed above

Water leak detection and real-time metering

Water leak detection and real-time metering


Similar to energy monitoring, water must be monitored in real time to determine water usage, waste, and savings opportunities. The water metering system must be able to detect water leaks and may be able to turn the water off automatically or inform the occupant of the leak.


Photos of the device installed and details of the device. Manual and training should include details on how to operate and track water use as well as what to do in case of a leak.

No combustion fireplace present indoors

No combustion fireplace present indoors


Do not install combustion-based fireplaces indoors; remove any existing combustion-based fireplaces. Electric fireplaces are allowed.

Alternative approach 

Allowed as a backup heating source in the case of a power outage in climate zones 4+ if no other backup is available.


Plans and specs show no evidence of combustion-based fireplaces.

Home appliances made for the time of use/peak load avoidance

Home appliances made for the time of use/peak load avoidance


Approach 1

Select appliances that can be programmed to operate when the grid is not at peak power usage. These can either be smart devices or those with the ability to be set to run at certain times. These include:

  1. Dishwasher
  2. Clothes washer
  3. Dryer
  4. Water heater (unless geothermal or solar)

Approach 2

Install an in-home battery system that can be programmed to run at off-peak times or set up a time-of-use plan through the local utility.

Products that can help

The Rheem hybrid electric water heater has settings that can time the operation so that it runs during off-peak times only.  Experimental programs coordinate with this device and the utilities to have the water heater function like a battery.


Document details of each device, battery, and/or smart home system. Submit in the manual and training showing how to set these devices up and ensure they properly keep the home off peak energy use times with a local utility program.


Document details of each device, battery, and/or smart home system. Submit homeowner operations manual showing how to set these devices up and ensure they work to keep home off-peak with a local utility program.

Home breaker box is 200 amp and can fit future solar & electric car chargers

Home breaker box is 200 amp and can accommodate solar power and electric vehicle chargers 


Ensure the breaker box is set up to add future solar power and electric vehicle charging capabilities. This requirement is automatically met if there is already solar and at least one electric vehicle charger.  Homes or buildings with no potential solar access are exempt from this requirement. Projects in areas with a walk score of 85 + do not require the installation of electric vehicle charging capabilities. An appropriate electrical outlet should be wired and installed in the garage or near the parking area.

Resources & Studies 

DOE Zero Energy Home PV-Ready Checklist


Completed solar-ready checklist, photos of all details and breaker box.

Floorscore or Green Label Plus on new carpet

Floorscore or Green Label Plus on new carpet


All new carpets shall be certified to Floorscore or Green Label Plus to ensure reduced VOCS.

Alternative approach

Other air quality certifications for carpets may apply.  


Photos of carpeting and specs